
At Holy Family Hospital, we understand that Nutrition is the process of taking in food and using it for the growth, metabolism, and the repair process. Adequate and well balanced diet with regular physical activity – is a way of good health. Inadequate nutrition can reduce immunity, increase susceptibility to disease; it can impair physical and mental development, further impact productivity.

Dietetics is an interpretation and communication of the science of nutrition; it helps people to make informed and practical choices about food and lifestyle in both health and disease.

Our dietary department aims to provide nutritious, attractive and palatable food while maintaining high standards of hygiene, sanitation and service to all the patients. The Dietary Department understands that every patient has unique needs and food preferences, providing them with nourishing and well balanced diet is always the priority of the Food & Dietary Service Department.

The Department also gives diet consultations to OPD patients according to their diagnosis and as per consultation advice and further explains the patient, their food restrictions according to their clinical condition. Diet charts are also given to the Patients.

In patient Dietary services.
  • All the IPD patients are met on a daily basis.
  • All the IPD patients are assessed for nutritional risk by qualified dieticians.
  • Individualized and tailor made nutritional care is provided to all IPD patients.
  • Diet counseling is given to all patients being discharged from the hospital.