Holy Family Hospital is known for Excellent Maternity Services in the city of Delhi and around.
Citizens of Delhi and around UP and Haryana come to Holy Family Hospital for emergency care. The hospital is well equipped with state of art equipment and functions a Tertiary Care Centre.
Many families have been coming here for the last three or four generations, which itself speaks specialities the Hospital.
Expert team of Doctors along with round the clock Laboratory, Blood Bank and Radiology Services, work in a multidisciplinary approach to provide the best care to women.
Our OBG department deservingly received award from Reader’s Digest for the most trusted hospital in gynaecology in the year 2017.
To provide "Quality Care" with complete transparency and honesty to improve "Woman's Health" taking into account ethics, safety and evidence based practices.
Obstetrics care:
- Teams of Doctors tirelessly day and night to give the best to pregnant woman "Healthy Mother“ and “Healthy Baby".
- All High-Risk Pregnancy are tackled with systematic multi-disciplinary approach to get the best out of given circumstances.
- Proper counselling for all aspects of reproductive problems is done in a systematic way.
- Proper counselling, investigations for infertility recurrent abortions and bad Obstetric history.
- We have facilities for painless labour.
- Emergency and elective caesarean section pare done in well-equipped OT. We have well equipped ICU and Post-operative rooms for post-op care.
- Breast-feeding is encouraged and breast feeding week is celebrated in August.
- Antenatal services are taught and ANC classes are done for pregnant women.
- Dedicated physiotherapy support for pre and postnatal care is given.
- Dietary advice for antenatal and high risk patient are done by qualified dieticians.
- All conventional Gynaecological Surgeries, Hysterectomies, Laparotomy, Cancer Surgery, Vaginal Surgeries are done.
- Newer advancements are done in cancer screening by using colposcopy.
- Endoscopic Surgeries both laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries done by full time, trained consultants. laparoscopy for fibroid uterus, ovarian masses, endometriosis, TLH and ectopic pregnancy management are done.
- Laparoscopic procedures are done for abnormal uterus bleeding, and removal of polyps. Insertion of MIRENA for AUB is also done.
- Screening using pap smear (liquid pap), colposcopy and directed biopsy, cryo-cautery are done.
- Cancer cervix prevention by vaccination is done regularly.
- Infertility treatment in the form of endometrial biopsy, hysterosalpingography, hystero-laproscopy and follicular monitoring is done.
- A dedicated maternal and foetal medicine clinic with pre-conceptional and prenatal management of all high risk pregnant cases is done.
- Screening and diagnosis of foetal aneuploidies, structural anomalies , foetal infection, foetal anaemia, growth disorders etc. is available.
- Non-invasive tests for foetal surveillance as well invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures like amniocentesis, cordocentesis, chronic villus biopsies, intra uterine blood transfusion, amnioreduction etc are done here.
- Facility for genetic lab services are also available in our hospital.
Executive Health Check-up Done for woman for early diagnosis of various malignant disorders have been added.
Recognised as COVID-19 treatment centre by government for pregnant patients.
Teaching centre: We run a post-graduate teaching programme for DNB students.
Dr. Rinku Sen Gupta Dhar
Chief of Services & Senior Consultant
Dr. Shanti Jeyaseelan
Senior Consultant
Dr. Roli Gautam
Senior Consultant
Dr. Pooja Vadehra
Senior Consultant
Dr. Rubee Khattar
Senior Consultant
Dr. Arpita De
Senior Consultant
Dr. M. Rohatgi
Senior Consultant