Clinical Psycology
  • Clinical psychology services are provided for those in need of professional psychological help across the life span - from childhood to old age. The major areas of services include assessments, diagnostic services and psychotherapies.
  • Our services provide help for adults and children who have difficulties with learning, thinking, emotion, and behavior.
  • Clinical Psychologists work directly with clients and indirectly through relatives and cares.
  • Therapeutic services aim at addressing and improving the psychological health of persons through interventions that supplement but do not use medications.
  • Standardized and individualized assessment tools and therapies are used.

Psychological services offered

Psychological Assessment/Testing
  • Assessment of intelligence
  • Academic /educational assessment: - for children with difficulties in reading, writing, spelling and math to rule out Specific Leaning Disorder (SLD).
  • Development assessment
  • Personality assessment
  • Psycho-diagnostic assessment
  • Neuropsychological assessment
Psychotherapy Services

Our clinical psychology team is qualified to address the non-pharmacological needs of the patient by conducting evidence-based therapies which have been established world-wide for a wide spectrum of Psychological /psychiatric issues.

Therapeutic services are provided for adults, children, as well as family members/cares of patients. Psychotherapeutic services provided by us include:

  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • Parental counselling / Family counselling
  • Child and adolescent psychotherapy
  • Relaxation training (Mindfulness, Progressive muscular relaxsyion).
  • Couple / Marital Therapy
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
  • Behaviour Management
Beneficiaries: Children with
  • Development delays/disorders
  • Hyperactivity
  • Aggression
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Adjustment difficulties
  • Multiple physical complaints
  • Other behavior problems like lying, stealing, bullying
Adolescents with:
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Repetitive behavior & OCD
  • Adjustments issues
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Substance abuse
Adults with
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • OCD
  • Phobias
  • Adjustment issues
  • Relationship difficulties
Older Adults with:
  • Dementia
Future Plans:

We plan to offer training and internship to clinical psychology student in the future. Also more workshops aimed at mental health awareness, skill building, and stigma reduction would be planned.

Clinical Team
  • Ms. Urmi Chakraborty

    M.Phil ( Medical & Social Psychology)

    Consultant Clinical Psychologist

  • Ms. Fini Jose Chirayath

    Sr. Anchel Therese chf.

    Clinical Psychologist